Re: The scope of "Update" for automation via API?
Hi CTW, It seems like unfortunately it won't update Copy Row; Extracted from the documentation: "Multistep workflows are not returned via the API. Instead, you'll see an error 400 - 1266: This r…1 · -
Re: Batching Cell History Requests
I use simple math, for instance, 300 tokens per minute / 60 = 5 tokens per second, but history cost 10 tokens each. so you can make 30 calls per minute, depending on your latency (the delta from the …2 · -
Re: Disable License Request Features
If I register with unlicensed users to this forum and vote multiple times for this request, it's a proper way to show that this is not the correct way for marketing ?7 · -
Re: New Search UI now generally available
for an IT technician it makes perfect sense, quotes for exact match, wildcards for open searches, partial matches kind of working. But for my end users, common folks with no deep computer knowledge a…2 · -
Re: Formula Help
Hello, I think the formula has only a few typos, but the logic is good, I tried to fix it: =IF([Column18]@row < 0.5, "Empty", IF([Column18]@row < 1.5, "One", IF([Column18]@r…1 ·